Needle Pebbles
John James' Pebbles are designed to store the finest quality hand sewing needles safely. Needles are both visible and easily accessible in the flip-top pebble, where-ever you keep them.
John James' Pebbles are designed to store the finest quality hand sewing needles safely. Needles are both visible and easily accessible in the flip-top pebble, where-ever you keep them.
John James' Pebbles are designed to store the finest quality hand sewing needles safely. Needles are both visible and easily accessible in the flip-top pebble, where-ever you keep them.
Available in a range of general purpose and specialist sets:
Beading (turquoise): 4 very fine needles, sizes 10 to 12
Chenille (grey): 6 sharp needles with large threading eyes, sizes 18 to 22
Darners (yellow): 12 sharp darners, sizes 3 to 9
Embroidery (pink): 16 sharp embroidery needles, sizes 5 to 10
Household (bright pink): 12 hand-sewing needles, assorted sizes
Knitters (jade): 3 large needles, assorted sizes
Quilting (brown): 16 short fine needles with round threading eyes, sizes 3 to 9
Sharps (pale green): 16 sharp sewing needles, sizes 3 to 9
Tapestry (lavender): 6 blunt-point needles with large threading eyes, sizes 18 to 24